Type And Symbol Of Plastic


Type And Symbol Of Plastic

The use of various types of plastic packaging has increased significantly , with growth driven by trade , food industry and other consumer products in the country . Examples of industries that use plastic packaging :

1. instant noodles Packaging
2. Mineral Water
3. Fruits Packaging, etc.

Plastic as food packaging / product has some kind . To identify the type of plastic used can see the code on the packaging . There are several types / codes are used in the production of plastics , namely :

1. PET ( US ) , or PETE ( Europe ) is an abbreviation of Polyethylene Terephthalate
2. HDPE ( USA ) , PE - HD ( Europe ) which stands for high-density polyethylene
3. V ( US ) , PVC ( Europe ) which stands for Polyvinyl Chloride or Vinyl
4. LDPE ( USA ) , PE - LD ( Europe ) is an abbreviation of Low Density Polyethylene
5. PP ( US and Europe ) is an abbreviation of Polypropelene
6. PS ( US and Europe ) is an abbreviation of Polystyrene

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