One of the hotels for your stay in Poole is the Glamping at South Lytchett Manor which is located at Dorchester Road, Poole, United Kingdom. There are many facilities offered at Glamping at South Lytchett Manor, both hotel and room facilities. If you are traveling to Poole, you can choose Glamping at South Lytchett Manor as a place to stay. Glamping at South Lytchett Manor is located in the region of England, Bournemouth.
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Choose a room
Holiday Home
Room size (15 square metres)Room amenities
- Fire extinguisher
- Socket near the bed
- TV
- Stovetop
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Dining table
- Electric kettle
- Toaster
- Shared bathroom
- Trash cans
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Toilet paper
- Shared toilet
- Coffee machine
- Refrigerator
- Smoke Alarm
- Sitting area
- Kitchenette
- Outdoor dining area
- Heating
- Outdoor furniture
- Sofa
- Clothes rack
Family Room with Balcony
Room size (12 square metres)Room amenities
- Fire extinguisher
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Dining table
- Coffee machine
- Sitting area
- Electric kettle
- Heating
- Refrigerator
- TV
- Clothes rack
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Sofa
- Smoke Alarm
- Socket near the bed
- Trash cans
- Stovetop
- Shared toilet
- Toilet paper
- Shared bathroom
- Kitchenette
- Fan
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Outdoor furniture
- Toaster
- Outdoor dining area
Holiday Home
Room size (15 square metres)Room amenities
- Fire extinguisher
- Stovetop
- Smoke Alarm
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Sitting area
- Heating
- Toaster
- Clothes rack
- Dining table
- Toilet paper
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Refrigerator
- Shared bathroom
- Sofa
- Outdoor dining area
- Socket near the bed
- Shared toilet
- Electric kettle
- Outdoor furniture
- Kitchenette
- Coffee machine
- TV
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Trash cans
Holiday Home
Room size (15 square metres)Room amenities
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Outdoor furniture
- Sitting area
- Shared toilet
- Toilet paper
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Toaster
- Sofa
- Fire extinguisher
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Smoke Alarm
- Clothes rack
- Refrigerator
- Socket near the bed
- Coffee machine
- Heating
- TV
- Trash cans
- Shared bathroom
- Stovetop
- Electric kettle
- Outdoor dining area
- Dining table
- Kitchenette
Holiday Home
Room size (15 square metres)Room amenities
- Smoke Alarm
- Kitchenette
- Dining table
- Toilet paper
- Shared bathroom
- Shared toilet
- Sitting area
- Refrigerator
- TV
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Socket near the bed
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Sofa
- Clothes rack
- Toaster
- Heating
- Electric kettle
- Outdoor furniture
- Fire extinguisher
- Coffee machine
- Trash cans
- Stovetop
- Outdoor dining area
Holiday Home
Room size (15 square metres)Room amenities
- TV
- Stovetop
- Electric kettle
- Fire extinguisher
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Coffee machine
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Dining table
- Refrigerator
- Toaster
- Outdoor furniture
- Trash cans
- Socket near the bed
- Outdoor dining area
- Kitchenette
- Clothes rack
- Toilet paper
- Sitting area
- Shared bathroom
- Smoke Alarm
- Sofa
- Heating
- Shared toilet
Holiday Home
Room size (15 square metres)Room amenities
- Outdoor furniture
- TV
- Sitting area
- Dining table
- Sofa
- Fire extinguisher
- Heating
- Smoke Alarm
- Toaster
- Coffee machine
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Kitchenette
- Shared toilet
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Socket near the bed
- Stovetop
- Refrigerator
- Shared bathroom
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Clothes rack
- Trash cans
- Toilet paper
- Outdoor dining area
- Electric kettle
Family Room with Balcony
Room size (12 square metres)Room amenities
- Smoke Alarm
- TV
- Outdoor furniture
- Dining table
- Shared toilet
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Heating
- Fan
- Sitting area
- Stovetop
- Electric kettle
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Outdoor dining area
- Clothes rack
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Socket near the bed
- Fire extinguisher
- Refrigerator
- Toilet paper
- Sofa
- Coffee machine
- Shared bathroom
- Kitchenette
- Trash cans
- Toaster
Family Room with Balcony
Room size (12 square metres)Room amenities
- Heating
- Outdoor dining area
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Refrigerator
- Toaster
- Shared toilet
- Fan
- Toilet paper
- Smoke Alarm
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Dining table
- Kitchenette
- Stovetop
- Sofa
- Sitting area
- Fire extinguisher
- Coffee machine
- Clothes rack
- Shared bathroom
- Electric kettle
- Trash cans
- Outdoor furniture
- Socket near the bed
- TV
Family Room with Balcony
Room size (12 square metres)Room amenities
- Heating
- Toilet paper
- Clothes rack
- Toaster
- Fan
- Carbon monoxide detector
- TV
- Smoke Alarm
- Dining table
- Trash cans
- Outdoor dining area
- Electric kettle
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Refrigerator
- Coffee machine
- Fire extinguisher
- Shared toilet
- Socket near the bed
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Stovetop
- Sitting area
- Outdoor furniture
- Kitchenette
- Shared bathroom
- Sofa
Family Studio
Room size (12 square metres)Room amenities
- Heating
- Shared bathroom
- Socket near the bed
- Toaster
- Dining table
- Outdoor dining area
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Clothes rack
- Sofa
- Coffee machine
- Outdoor furniture
- Electric kettle
- Smoke Alarm
- Kitchenette
- Fire extinguisher
- Toilet paper
- Stovetop
- TV
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Shared toilet
- Sitting area
- Trash cans
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Refrigerator
Family Studio
Room size (12 square metres)Room amenities
- Smoke Alarm
- Shared toilet
- Toaster
- Dining table
- Heating
- Electric kettle
- Sofa
- Kitchenette
- TV
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Toilet paper
- Outdoor dining area
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Clothes rack
- Sitting area
- Fire extinguisher
- Trash cans
- Refrigerator
- Coffee machine
- Outdoor furniture
- Socket near the bed
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Shared bathroom
- Stovetop
Family Studio
Room size (12 square metres)Room amenities
- Shared bathroom
- Outdoor dining area
- Kitchenette
- Toaster
- Heating
- Sitting area
- Clothes rack
- Smoke Alarm
- Tea/Coffee maker
- TV
- Toilet paper
- Outdoor furniture
- Trash cans
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Stovetop
- Sofa
- Fire extinguisher
- Socket near the bed
- Electric kettle
- Dining table
- Shared toilet
- Coffee machine
- Refrigerator
- Carbon monoxide detector
Family Studio
Room size (12 square metres)Room amenities
- Dining table
- Clothes rack
- Fire extinguisher
- Toilet paper
- Refrigerator
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Electric kettle
- Sitting area
- Sofa
- Trash cans
- Shared toilet
- Tea/Coffee maker
- TV
- Shared bathroom
- Smoke Alarm
- Kitchenette
- Socket near the bed
- Coffee machine
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Stovetop
- Outdoor furniture
- Heating
- Toaster
- Outdoor dining area
Family Studio
Room size (12 square metres)Room amenities
- Clothes rack
- Trash cans
- Shared bathroom
- Outdoor dining area
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Refrigerator
- Stovetop
- Sitting area
- Socket near the bed
- Shared toilet
- Kitchenette
- Sofa
- Toilet paper
- Heating
- Dining table
- Coffee machine
- Toaster
- Fire extinguisher
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Outdoor furniture
- Carbon monoxide detector
- TV
- Smoke Alarm
- Electric kettle
Family Studio
Room size (12 square metres)Room amenities
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Refrigerator
- Outdoor furniture
- Toilet paper
- Smoke Alarm
- Fire extinguisher
- Trash cans
- Sitting area
- Electric kettle
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Outdoor dining area
- Shared toilet
- Stovetop
- Socket near the bed
- Dining table
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Coffee machine
- Toaster
- Sofa
- Heating
- Kitchenette
- Clothes rack
- TV
- Shared bathroom
Family Studio
Room size (12 square metres)Room amenities
- Shared toilet
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Toaster
- Sitting area
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Sofa
- Smoke Alarm
- Electric kettle
- Coffee machine
- Outdoor dining area
- Stovetop
- Trash cans
- Socket near the bed
- Dining table
- Outdoor furniture
- Kitchenette
- Heating
- Clothes rack
- TV
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Refrigerator
- Fire extinguisher
- Shared bathroom
- Toilet paper
Room size (22 square metres)Room amenities
- Outdoor furniture
- Trash cans
- Fire extinguisher
- Refrigerator
- Socket near the bed
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Smoke Alarm
- Stovetop
- TV
- Electric kettle
- Kitchenette
- Heating
- Fireplace
- Coffee machine
- Shared bathroom
- Toaster
- Sitting area
- Outdoor dining area
- Toilet paper
- Dining table
- Sofa
- Clothes rack
- Shared toilet
- Tea/Coffee maker
Room size (22 square metres)Room amenities
- Outdoor dining area
- Heating
- Stovetop
- Electric kettle
- Smoke Alarm
- Refrigerator
- Toilet paper
- Clothes rack
- Sofa
- Fire extinguisher
- Fireplace
- Shared bathroom
- TV
- Kitchenette
- Dining table
- Trash cans
- Shared toilet
- Sitting area
- Socket near the bed
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Toaster
- Outdoor furniture
- Coffee machine
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Tea/Coffee maker
Room size (22 square metres)Room amenities
- Socket near the bed
- Shared bathroom
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Electric kettle
- Refrigerator
- Coffee machine
- Trash cans
- Kitchenette
- Smoke Alarm
- Outdoor dining area
- Sitting area
- Shared toilet
- Toaster
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Outdoor furniture
- Fireplace
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Stovetop
- Toilet paper
- Sofa
- TV
- Clothes rack
- Fire extinguisher
- Heating
- Dining table
Room size (22 square metres)Room amenities
- Toaster
- Fireplace
- Sitting area
- Outdoor dining area
- Stovetop
- Heating
- Trash cans
- Fire extinguisher
- Kitchenette
- Socket near the bed
- Toilet paper
- Clothes rack
- Outdoor furniture
- TV
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Refrigerator
- Sofa
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Dining table
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Coffee machine
- Shared toilet
- Electric kettle
- Shared bathroom
- Smoke Alarm
Room size (22 square metres)Room amenities
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Sitting area
- Kitchenette
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Electric kettle
- Coffee machine
- Stovetop
- TV
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Clothes rack
- Outdoor furniture
- Sofa
- Refrigerator
- Smoke Alarm
- Fireplace
- Fire extinguisher
- Shared toilet
- Trash cans
- Outdoor dining area
- Toilet paper
- Dining table
- Shared bathroom
- Heating
- Toaster
- Socket near the bed
Room size (22 square metres)Room amenities
- Smoke Alarm
- Outdoor furniture
- Shared bathroom
- Outdoor dining area
- Kitchenette
- Fire extinguisher
- Socket near the bed
- Shared toilet
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Refrigerator
- TV
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Toilet paper
- Toaster
- Stovetop
- Fireplace
- Heating
- Electric kettle
- Sitting area
- Dining table
- Coffee machine
- Sofa
- Trash cans
- Clothes rack
Room size (22 square metres)Room amenities
- Smoke Alarm
- TV
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Fireplace
- Socket near the bed
- Electric kettle
- Shared bathroom
- Kitchenette
- Heating
- Toaster
- Coffee machine
- Trash cans
- Outdoor furniture
- Fire extinguisher
- Clothes rack
- Dining table
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Stovetop
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Sofa
- Outdoor dining area
- Toilet paper
- Sitting area
- Refrigerator
- Shared toilet
Room size (22 square metres)Room amenities
- Outdoor dining area
- Stovetop
- Heating
- Outdoor furniture
- Kitchenette
- Trash cans
- Coffee machine
- Refrigerator
- Tea/Coffee maker
- Toilet paper
- Sofa
- Socket near the bed
- Fire extinguisher
- Entire unit located on ground floor
- Smoke Alarm
- Fireplace
- Shared toilet
- Sitting area
- Shared bathroom
- Dining table
- Carbon monoxide detector
- Electric kettle
- Clothes rack
- Toaster
- TV
Hotel Amenities
- Pet bowls
- Internet
- Free Wifi
- Fax/Photocopying
- Wheelchair accessible
- Outdoor furniture
- Pet friendly
- Coffee house on site
- Toilet with grab rails
- Heating
- BBQ facilities
- Laundry
- Smoke-free property
- Parking
- Board games/Puzzles
- Outdoor play equipment for kids
- Fire extinguishers
- Playground
- Parking on site
- Wifi
- Key access
- Family rooms
- Private Parking
- Invoice provided
- Lowered sink
- Picnic area
- Staff follow all safety protocols as directed by local authorities
- Bathroom emergency cord
- Raised toilet
- Facilities for disabled guests
- Use of cleaning chemicals that are effective against coronavirus
- Free parking
- Shared stationery (e.g. printed menus, magazines, pens, paper) removed
- Cashless payment available
- Non-smoking rooms
- Garden
- First aid kits available
- Private check-in/out
- Cycling
- Visual aids (Braille)
- Ping-pong
- Convenience store on site
- Grocery deliveries
- Hypoallergenic room available
- Accessible parking
- Hiking
- Smoke alarms
- Wifi in all areas
Hotel policy
- Check-in time is 15:00 and check-out time is 11:00
- If you wish to bring pets, please ask at the hotel